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Learn to Listen Like a Leader
Introduction to Better Listening
Communication is at the Root! Help it Grow (2:40)
Course Contents
Active Listening Basics (1:35)
Body Language and Gestures while Listening (2:44)
"How I wish you could walk in my shoes" (1:16)
Stop Talking (0:33)
Question without leading (1:54)
Respond by Reflecting then Directing
Reflection (1:51)
Feelings more than words (2:32)
To get to the real question, let them lead you there (1:12)
See through their glasses (3:03)
Now respond (2:25)
What not to do!
Examples of horrible things to do (8:36)
Exercizes and Checklists
Active listening checklist
Active listening exercizes
Teach online with
Feelings more than words
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